Sunday, May 18, 2014

Cement-filled Lungs

It's sad how much my heart can bleed for you but you're too blind to notice.
Though the pain has lessened it never goes away.
To think of what we lost is like dying,
But to try and take back the past will kill me.
We've both moved on, but it hurts to think of what should have never happened, what should have taken place.
Being close to you makes my lungs harden, makimg it difficult to breathe,
but if this is what I have to endure to move past you, I will endure.
Finding someone who deserves my love brings back more memories of you,
though this time I wont make the same mistakes.
I'll learn what it is to truly love, and not just lust,
I'll stop hiding my pain, and face the music.

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